519 Jefferson Blvd., Greenfield, IN 46140

Pink Envelopes

Join others in our parish in playing the Pink Envelopes 50/50 Raffle at St. Michael!  Pay $1 per week or pay in advance for up to one year ($52) by placing your check or cash in the pink envelopes located at the main entrance of the church on the credenza near the restrooms.  The envelope must be deposited in the locked box near the south entrance.  Please do not place the pink envelopes in the collection basket!  Due to gaming laws, we are not able to accept pink envelopes in the collection basket.  

Beginning in 2019, half of the funds collected each week will go to the winner and half will go to the parish.  It's a win-win!  A winner is drawn each Tuesday and notified the same day.  The winner's name is also published in the bulletin the week following the drawing.  One player per envelope number, please.  You must be 18 or older to pay and win.

Pink Envelopes 50/50 Raffle Changes for 2019

Good Luck!

License #011187

pink envelope