
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 12:2

The ministry of Usher is performed by anyone in high school and older. Ushers are responsible for:

  • assisting parishioners in finding a seat both before and after Mass has begun, taking care to minimize disruption;
  • distributing and collecting the collection baskets during the Offertory and;
  • directing Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to people who need assistance during Communion.

During the Mass, the Ushers sit in the back pews and fully participate. Ushers are not to gather and/or talk in the Narthex during Mass.

There is an established schedule for each weekend Mass, and sign-ups occur throughout the year for extra Mass schedules (Easter, Christmas and Feast Days).

Sign up to be an usher

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